Tuesday, February 12, 2008

36 hours, not that I'm counting or anything

Bought new shoes today. BOGO!! which I just want to point out is not really a BOGO, but a BOGOHO, but that's not good advertising, now is it? I wanted to link a picture of them, but I have not found one yet (they aren't on the website anymore). I'll google and see if I get anything. Okay, they look just like this except black and much, much larger and the insides are plain black instead of snazzy. Shut up, I still like them. The other pair is also a ballet flat, cream and with pink details. I LOVE them. David hates them. Double sweet. I started out with plain black ballet flats (well, with a black bow), but they just weren't me. They were probably more appropriate for the outfits in general, but I decided I just didn't care and I took them back today. Yes the sales person laughed at me, but she was really nice about it.

Something I realized while shoe shopping - I had forgotten how much I LOVE shoes. I've never had a TON (at least not by Imelda standards), but I've always loved the ones I had. Well, for about 10 years or so, I've not been my usual shoe buying self and have dwindled down to about 5 pairs of shoes, none of which I really love, and of those, was wearing 1 (quite ugly, but neutral) pair 90% of the time and tennis shoes the other 10%. Sad, sad, sad. So, now I have 2 pair of shoes that make me happy. Soon I will work on the replacing the rest, starting with the tired old tennis shoes.

Today is Love Day, so I've gotta go get the Shells and Cheese made and then work on folding more laundry. OH YEAH. The other thing I wanted to post about - I am about 2 batches from being done with ALL the laundry. I kid you not. Glorious day.

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