Friday, March 11, 2011

Why do pastel M&Ms taste better than regular M&Ms?

And could someone edit this picture to flip them all the same direction? I suppose that's the price I pay for jacking someone else's M&Ms, but I already ate mine.


Anonymous said...

I don't know, but it might be the same reason Goldfish Pretzels taste better than regular pretzels.

jen bryner said...

it's all in your head! i love all m&ms equally...but now i'm craving some pastel ones. thanks a lot.

evitafjord said...

Hahaha, my nefarious plan worked. I posted this 2 weeks ago, allowing for the average time it takes you to wander to my blog to read, just in time to coincide with the No Sweets Challenge this week. BWAHAHAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

They say there is no difference ingredients wise except the coloring, but I notice they taste different too, I bet the coloring changes the taste the more you use, but most people just dont notice. I am very sensitive to taste in general so I think it just might be a rare thing for people to notice.